Blue Cliff is a performing arts company based in Aarhus Denmark, working primarily with Butoh, exploring its interaction with other art forms such as dance, theatre, visual art and video.
Blue Cliff was founded in 2003 by Yael Gaathon who has been developing her own unique performance style and artistic language, drawing from her background both as an actress and as a Butoh dancer. As an artist Yael is seeking to connect to the deeper levels in our human consciousness and remind us of the beauty and vulnerability which is at the core of our inner selves. Her style has often been described as atmospheric, poetic, aesthetic and meditative.
Blue Cliff aims to create performances that offer the audience a chance to experience a different state of mind from the noise and distractions of everyday life. By using strong visual images, a slower tempo and attention to detail the performances create a dream-like space, allowing the audience the time to reconnect to fundamentals of their inner life and enter the performance through their own prism of imagination. In Blue Cliff’s work the emotional, the intellectual, the spiritual, the visual and the musical all come together and interact.
Blue Cliff seeks to surpass cultural boundaries, believing that at the core all humans are fundamentally the same. It is to this common core we aspire to connect to with our work.
At Blue Cliff, we consistently prioritize sustainability, placing particular emphasis on reusing materials and minimizing waste.
To minimise heavy transportation while touring, we intentionally design our scenography to be easily packed into compact luggage, and prioritise venues equipped with their own technical facilities such as light and sound equipment. We strongly prioritise accommodation with a high “Travel Sustainable” marking and travel by public transportation when possible.
Blue Cliff is a non-profit Performing Arts association.
Board of directors:
Palle Eli Jensen
Britta Marie Hansen
Uffe Holm Høgsbro

Blue Cliff, c/o Yael Gaathon
Martin Vahlsvej 20 1th
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark